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    I can usually be contacted via  Internet,  isapeg@images.cs.und.ac.za
    or Fidonet on 5:7103/6 Michael Gallias.  Then there is always post.

    BBS's are good too:

    Connectix          (031) 266 9992        My ID: Mission
    Honey In The Rock  (031) 463 1709        My ID: Michael Gallias

    If I don't reply  to  EMail  (within  say  2  weeks),  it could be an
    EMail  problem.   I  always  reply  quickly.   So  if  no  reply, I'm
    not being  rude,  I  probably  just  didn't  get  the  EMail.   These
    things happen (not often on the BBS's).

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